Accepting youth applications for our 2025 programs. Apply Now!

Maggie Smith
Committee Member/ Ambassador
Maggie grew up in the affluent town of East Grand Rapids, MI and like most of her classmates, travel was a regular part of her life as a kid. As the daughter of bird watchers, she spent her childhood exploring the natural wonders of Michigan's forests and shores. Before she was even twenty years old, she was able to use academic opportunities to travel to Australia, New Zealand, Washington DC, Italy, and Greece.Â
Each of these experiences helped her learn more about herself and the world. Every kid deserves this: to explore communities and find multiple places where they are cherished for their whole selves. Â
Maggie is traveling less these days, due to her disabilities and lack of accessible travel. But she'd love to spend some time in the Upper Peninsula when she gets a chance. Before she became too disabled to work full-time, Maggie used her law degree for a career in federal grant management and fair housing rights enforcement. She helps out with community-based groups where she can, like with Camp ARYV. She's proud to support Beyond the City and its work affirming kids and their lives.